Kingston on the weekend
Asian Semi's are always planned to be spontaneous.
East Side Marios is tripod-worthy photo material.
SAW 2 isn't scary at all. The characters are all boring and annoying. They might as well have all been dead... wait a sec...
Stauffer and Bain are the hottest places to be on a Saturday - well at least better than Alfies.
Science is a religion...if you're drunk enough to believe it.
Buying the entire season five of the Sopranos for $15 is too good to be true - after realizing that the 3rd disc had episodes from the 1st disc?? or the other way around! or is there an order!!?
That 80s song, 'Blame it on the rain' was inspired by Kingston - on the real.
On that sad note... i just spent my break writing a blog and my fooz is really gonna suffer now...
Okay seriously you didn't think I was just gonna end it there did you??
My pessimism only goes so far! I had a wicked weekend in Kingston! It was soo fun! And I miss everyone up there heaps!
Can't wait till next time...:D
Asian Semi's are always planned to be spontaneous.
East Side Marios is tripod-worthy photo material.
SAW 2 isn't scary at all. The characters are all boring and annoying. They might as well have all been dead... wait a sec...
Stauffer and Bain are the hottest places to be on a Saturday - well at least better than Alfies.
Science is a religion...if you're drunk enough to believe it.
Buying the entire season five of the Sopranos for $15 is too good to be true - after realizing that the 3rd disc had episodes from the 1st disc?? or the other way around! or is there an order!!?
That 80s song, 'Blame it on the rain' was inspired by Kingston - on the real.
On that sad note... i just spent my break writing a blog and my fooz is really gonna suffer now...
Okay seriously you didn't think I was just gonna end it there did you??
My pessimism only goes so far! I had a wicked weekend in Kingston! It was soo fun! And I miss everyone up there heaps!
Can't wait till next time...:D
At 6:48 PM,
Felise Navidad said…
hahaha milli vanilli
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