:: once upon a time there was a girl named jenn ::

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

home, sick

Today I felt sick so I stayed home. I went to the doctor (finally! i can be so stubborn sometimes) and I knew exactly what he would tell me. My DR is pretty cool tho. He always writes me the prescription in the end. I guess he knows that after waiting for 1hr to see him (my appt was at 12:30 - I finally finished my 5 min appt at 1:30!!), that I should leave with something!! haha. I guess that and the fact that he knows I'm not some druggie that comes rolling in for pills every week. I don't know how much of this Pondocillin stuff I would take anyways. I think I can get better with just resting and water. Plus he told me I shouldn't even finish it all - again this is why I totally suspect that I didn't even NEED to see the doctor in the first place!

I think I can totally just take care of myself and be better by the weekend... I just need to stay in bed with my laptop. That actually sounds very... not boring!

home, not bored, sick