:: once upon a time there was a girl named jenn ::

Friday, November 25, 2005

foozball champion!

YESSSS We WON!! we WON!! we WONNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im drunk at work and we awong toutr roofzboal;l btouygrnament~!!!!!

Thursday, November 24, 2005

team "double J" - the underdog...

Tommorrow is our official foosball quarter final games (this means we still have to knock out 2 other teams before making it to the actual final)... Jonathan is my new partner and we kick ass!! Seriously though for the fact that we haven't been a team that often we play pretty well together except we lost our 2/3 practice games today.. and yesterday... Whatever tho.. we're just saving our wins for the REAL thing!

I feel like our team is the underdog in this because we had to substitute players...I like being an underdog tho... its much more challenging and if we do win then it's all about the R.E.S.P.E.C.T! If we lose... then its like "ehhh we're the underdog! what gives?!"

This is really exciting actually... I wonder what it would be like to compete in a real sport : i bet it'd be CRAZY! Oh well FOOZBALL IS a REAL SPORT! I don't care what anyone else says...

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

work vs. school

work - can come home to cooked food every night
school - can go grocery shopping (at A&P) at midnight to buy a half priced chicken and eat it

work - can watch 2 episodes of sex in the city, 1 Dave chappelle, loaf all night while feeling sorta guilty - then upon realizing that you don't have to do anything ANYWAYS, telling your stupid conscience to shut the F up
school - can watch 2 episodes of sex in the city (or felicity or some other chick drama) with your girlfriends while eating cookies and ice cream - and then feel guilty upon realizing you didn't get any work done...cry... talk about boys and how they suck... talk about - wait this isn't me! hahahaha BUT i DO know people who do this and i love them....

work - sit at a computer for 8 hours a day meanwhile having foozball breaks
school - sit in bain lab for 8 hours a night meanwhile having class breaks.... and some foozball

work - can go to montreal on the weekend!!!
school - can go to montreal on the weekend!!! (3 hours AGO!)

work - 9-5 days
school - 9-4 days (4am that is)

work - free coffee
school - free donuts - that you win from rolling up the rim (hey i loved this gimmick! winning a donut would make my DAY sometimes - yea school was that depressing)

work - powerbook, vegas, paychecks...
school - ??? yea didn't think so...

this blog is a tribute to everyone who is in school right now strugglin' to get outta there and move on with life! my heart goes out to you!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

my haunting pencil case memories

Friggg... if anyone reads my comments ever.. there was this last comment in my prev. blog that scared the F outta me.
It reminded me of some stalker who used to bust out the strangest lines on me... they were all so creepy but then a friend pointed out that they were like lines on an asian pencil case... like
"you smell orange and flower cup cake" or
"the wind of my sailboat flocks over the moon" or
"i eat boston cream ever time i order from a black lady" hahahahaha seriously weird...

but that last comment happened to come from a crunchie (brown on the outside - yellow on the inside) that i know called ameya. AMEYA! AMEYA! AMEYA!

there ya happy AMEYA you made it to my blog! Feel special


Monday, November 14, 2005


Coffee just doesn't work anymore...

My head won't stay open and my eyelids feel really heavy - oh wait i think I got it backwards...iLids won't stay open, and iHead is heavy (I'm on the Mac again, go figure)..I don't know if I'm dreaming or if I'm in real life... can't find the light switches to test this reality.

Will this blog wake me up??

Friday, November 11, 2005

the bus blog

i'm on the bus on the way to kingston....
pretty cool having wireless here! maybe i should take the bus more often. Definetly not at the risk of getting any more speeding tickets (or accidents - hah! *montreal rd. trip). So here I am talking to my new friend Lenny that I met on the bus...I asked him to write something on my blog but he's not going to say anything (i think he's shy of bloggin').

Anyway I thought I might take this opportunity to blah blah blog about my week (since I have not updated in a while). This week has been pretty hectic for me... Work has been steady but I also kept going places after work. On Wed. I had the Kanye West concert. It was amazing!!! Just knowing all the songs and being in the presence of such a talented artist was enough to make up for the actual performance aspect (nowhere near an $80 concert performance). I wouldn't pay as much to go again but it was worth it for that nite alone.

Other than the concert, I've been working out! I'm SUPER WOOOMAANN!! I think my wrists have had more of a workout tho than anything... Fooz-fever has hit our office as we started this tournie this week. I had my first game today and it was INTENSE!!!But we won! YAY! and now I got internet on the bus and we are gonna have a parrrtayy tonite!! AzIAN seMi sTyLE!

(BTW I love this blog program cos when i tried to publish the first time, it told me it didnt get published and all I had to do was go back to create and recover post was rightttt there in the lil left corner!! - great UI design! still in work mode)

Sunday, November 06, 2005

bubble pop electric shoes!

So i love my new L.A.M.B shoes. They are pretty and come in a nice black bag... Probably not worth the price but they are comfortable enough and make me feel extra cool so what more can I ask for?! I think I'm going to use them just to dance and prance around in... yup thats right dancing prancing shoes to feed my dance addiction! This brings us into another new chapter of my life... I'm a DANCE ADDICT ~6_6~ (thats my addicted face!) - started taking all these random drop in classes with Anna (she's actually more of an addict than I) but hey at least I got complimented on two seperate occasions this weekend! woo hooo! that's more to feed my addiction and make it all worth the while! :)

more to say about my weekend... ummm... i took my sis out for her birthday (it was really fun - we went out to a gym downtown and did a spinning class. Let me tell you this was no ordinary gym and this was no ordinary spinning class. First of all, this gym looks like a store/cafe - it sells cool work out gear and has a juice and internet bar on the side. When you see this gym, 3 simple words come to mind - Orange Mocha Frappucino - and this spinning class was unlike any other. The teacher was spinning house tracks while drinking a latte and telling us about his hangover and his wild nite involving pole dancing in between yelling at us to "bike harder!!!" - I kid you not! This would be derek zoolander's gym!

But it's not easy being ridiculously goodlooking so I have to go back again (well at least until my week pass runs out).

After that, we went out for Crepes at Cafe de Crepe. The crepes were alrite looking.. but the HOT DOGS! they were ill!!

I guess it goes to show that when you go to a crepe place - where all they specialize in is crepes - you must order a hot dog to get something special...


Tuesday, November 01, 2005

halloween and the city

wow i did nothing for halloween this year... didn't even dress up :( Now that's a sad story. But what I did do (literally nothing) was equally if not more fun! So I had a lil' green, followed by the munchies and then watched 2 back to back episodes of the METRO-sexual tv series "sex and the city"... That's good enough for me at this old age of 22...

I find it amusing how in our generation, we have all been brought up to spend Halloween loafting and doing absolutely nothing... Thinking back on those public school days, halloween was just a day where we would all bring food, decorate stuff and have class parties... then we get home, we get changed in our elaborate costumes, meet up with our friends and go get candy! THen we bring it home and trade it and eat it... And to top it all off, it was an excuse to go out and see your friends on *gasp A SCHOOL nite! So would be the routine for every Halloween....

I guess that's why I always feel like I have to do something fun on Halloween.

Well that being said, I'm going to go back to eating my smarties and playing with this fake plastic ear that I found...

wait what day is it again?